Amazon in the News
Just after Thanksgiving Amazon gets primed and ready for 2016
As the Holidays are rushing in, businesses are all gearing up with their best strategies to get a larger chunk of the pie chart sales. Social Media, Email Campaigns and Online Shopping are all just but a part of the regular marketing strategy. However, choosing the right and reliable online marketplace for your business is[…]
Thanksgiving Amazon sales up almost 30% from last Year – Are you ready for Christmas?
The writing has been on the wall for a while and while some companies have ignored the opportunity, others are taking full advantage. Channel Advisor, one of the largest Sass technology companies that helps people and companies sell across hundreds of sales channels has just reported an increase of almost 50% in sales online with a[…]
Watch out Netflix Amazon is Coming
Amazon is extending its virtual muscles across the Pond this morning as it announcing its new partnership with Roku Video expanding its library of available movies and TV shows to some of the hottest 50,000 shows and movies out there. This adds a significant number of popular titles to growing number of 15k already available[…]
Amazon back to brick and Motor, Mix between Barnes & Mac Store
The only thing that Jeff Bezos is better at than generating revenue is trying as many things as possible to stay in the news, and he is damn good at both. When everyone else is playing catch up with Amazon, Amazon is pulling a somewhat surprise move and is doubling back on its strategy and[…]
$273,972,602 sold on Amazon every day, How Much are YOU making?
2015 Projection Over 100 Million 100 Million / 365 = $273,972,602 EVERY DAY and growing. 300 Million Customers, 40 Million Prime just in the USA Yes you buy things on it probably every day, but how much of your revenue is coming from Amazon? If your answer is not between 30-75% you are missing out[…]
Amazon is gearing up for selling season, are you?
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