Drastic Changes to Amazon Review Policies – No more Reviews for Products

Amazon continues to be in the headlines today when they announced a huge change in their policies that affects every seller and vendor.  They are now no longer allowing reviews in exchange for free or discounted product. This has been abused by many sellers as product reviews and ratings are one of the highest weighted[…]

Amazon continuing to innovate and expand Internationally with “PrimeAir” in the UK

Amazon is continuing to innovate and expand not only here in the US and the Americas but also rapidly expanding throughout the entire world. I recently came back from the Philippines and saw Amazon India marketing hard over there, and they are already the largest eCommerce site in India.  It is no surprise that they[…]

Amazon files patent to use selfies as passwords

Soon people can pay in Amazon via their selfies. According to a patent filed by Amazon on Oct. 19 that was published Thursday, selfies could provide the next level of protection for consumers. It argued that a selfie-pay system would be more secure than traditional passwords. It can be true since passwords can be stolen[…]

Amazon’s Second Brick-And-Mortar Bookstore Will Be in San Diego

Amazon has been rumored to open hundred of bookstores all over the United States. That might still be far off but good new is that they will open their second bookstore on the West Coast. The company will open its latest location in San Diego this summer, according to the San Diego Tribune. The store[…]

Amazon Prime Now expands to East Bay

Amazon has expanded its Amazon Prime Now to Oackland, California. As we all know, Prime Now is a free two-hour delivery service to Prime members, who can get tens of thousands of essential and other items by ordering through a mobile app. The mobile app can be downloaded from www.amazon.com/primenow. It is essential that one[…]

Amazon’s Tie-Up With Big UK Supermarket Signals Stronger Push Into Groceries

Amazon just signed a deal with British supermarket Morrisons which is the fourth largest biggest supermarket chain in Britain. This deal brings competition to players already in the region, including Tesco and Ocado. With this deal Amazon now becomes serious about its food delivery service in the UK and can help them improve their strategy[…]