On the lighter side of things, if you are a big Amazon fan just like us, you might have asked that question “How much would it cost if you buy one of everything in Amazon?”
Kynan Eng, a computer scientist based in Zurich has calculated that for you and the result totals to $12.8 billion.
Eng based his calculations on the number of items available on Amazon’s main website, which was 479 million. He then calculated the average price of an item to be $26.86.
The calculation is a little far afield from his day job, which is as the president of iniLabs, a Zurich-based company that focuses on brain research and computers, with a side interest in using virtual reality as a rehabilitation tool.
It sure is a big amount and not anyone is planning on buying one of each but this shows how big the inventory is in Amazon at the moment. Unless you plan to be the first person to do so, feel free.
Credits to http://www.cnbc.com/2016/02/25/youd-pay-128-billion-to-buy-one-of-everything-on-amazon.html for first posting this news.