Amazon files patent to use selfies as passwords

Soon people can pay in Amazon via their selfies. According to a patent filed by Amazon on Oct. 19 that was published Thursday, selfies could provide the next level of protection for consumers. It argued that a selfie-pay system would be more secure than traditional passwords. It can be true since passwords can be stolen[…]

Amazon’s Second Brick-And-Mortar Bookstore Will Be in San Diego

Amazon has been rumored to open hundred of bookstores all over the United States. That might still be far off but good new is that they will open their second bookstore on the West Coast. The company will open its latest location in San Diego this summer, according to the San Diego Tribune. The store[…]

Amazon Prime Now expands to East Bay

Amazon has expanded its Amazon Prime Now to Oackland, California. As we all know, Prime Now is a free two-hour delivery service to Prime members, who can get tens of thousands of essential and other items by ordering through a mobile app. The mobile app can be downloaded from It is essential that one[…]