Amazon back to brick and Motor, Mix between Barnes & Mac Store

The only thing that Jeff Bezos is better at than generating revenue is trying as many things as possible to stay in the news, and he is damn good at both.
When everyone else is playing catch up with Amazon, Amazon is pulling a somewhat surprise move and is doubling back on its strategy and opening its first brick and motor store in its home town Seattle. Amazon started out with Jeff selling books out of his garage and slowly but surely expanded into other products and 15 years later, they are the behemoth that they are today.
Amazon knows it is doing a great job capturing the online market and is not going to slow down any time soon but are now taking steps to cater to the customer base who still needs a little more reassurance when buying or just wants to go pick it up in a store. Apple proved this model to be very successful when they launched their first Apple store in May of 2001. Few people understood why they were doing it and many laughed at them, but we all know how that worked out and Microsoft was soon to follow.

I personally am not sure how many additional customers they are going to be able to push over the edge but like anything, you have to try it out, look at the metrics and see if it is profitable to really know. Who knows this could be another one of their creative ways to hide revenue, build assets or set the infrastructure to launch a new product or service here in the next 6-12 months. McDonalds has proven that having one business to support buying and owning real estate is a viable business model and are doing pretty well. We will just have to wait and see how Amazon going back to the old days of physical brick and motor sales pays off or if it is going to be a huge failure like their Amazon Fire phone…. Either way, I am confident that their sales will continue to rise without the success of this latest move. What do you think?

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