Amazon has been rumored to open hundred of bookstores all over the United States. That might still be far off but good new is that they will open their second bookstore on the West Coast.
The company will open its latest location in San Diego this summer, according to the San Diego Tribune. The store will be located at the Westfield UTC Mall, an open-air shopping center nearby the University of California’s San Diego campus.
According to Amazon, “We are excited to be bringing Amazon Books to the University Towne Center Mall in San Diego and we are currently hiring store managers and associates. Stay tuned for additional details down the road.”
The San Diego bookstore will presumably be similar to the first store in Seattle, which spans 7,500 square feet, with roughly 5,500 square feet of retail space. The current location offers both an opportunity to check out books—largely curated based on what’s most popular on Amazon’s online store—as well as the company’s devices like its Kindle readers and tablets, and the Echo.
Credits to for first posting this news online.
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