5 Amazon Prime Secrets You Should Know About

Is the $99 per year price worth it to renew your Prime membership?

Here’s a few of other Amazon Prime benefits that, when all added up, are worth much more than the shipping savings alone.


Here are five of the lesser-known Prime perks:

  1. Unlimited Photo Storage: Utilizing the company’s cloud storage offerings, Prime members can archive all of their photos to Amazon’s servers for free. With no limit on the amount of pictures nor any restriction on how many photos you can upload per month.
  2. Music: With Prime Music you are getting access to more than a million songs, more than a thousand playlists and hundreds of stations.
  3. Streaming Video: Amazon’s Prime Instant Video has an unexpectedly great selection of movies and television shows ready to watch on everything from TV-
  4. Prime Now: Prime customers in select locations can avail of this ultra-quick delivery at no extra charge — so long as you can wait for two hours. (One-hour delivery is available for $7.99.)
  5. Members-Only Deals: “Membership has its privileges” might be an old American Express tagline, but Amazon has given the concept new life in the 21st century by offering its shoppers a wide range of perks. For instance, some of Amazon’s most aggressive discounts come via its Lightning Deals, and beginning last holiday season, Prime members got early access to some of these sales. MyHabit, an Amazon-owned website that offers up to 60% off designer brand clothing and home goods, runs daily events that start at 9 a.m. Pacific, but Prime subscribers get access a half-hour before the online crowds. And in the future, Prime subscribers will get exclusive access to Amazon Elements, a line of staples made by the company with input from its customer reviews.

Now hope this helps you decide on signing up for a Prime membership or renewing it. Credits to Time.com http://time.com/3892861/amazon-prime/ where this article first appeared.

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