AWS poses the biggest industry growth

Amazon Web Services is a cloud computing service that provides on-demand delivery of IT resources via the Internet with pay-as-you-go pricing.   The company was indeed a success proving to be an income generating and a fast growing company based on its financials earlier this year.

Just recently, chart by market research firm MKM Partners shows how strong and impressive AWS’s growth has been compared to some of its enterprise IT peers:

Based on the data shown,  AWS is definitely having the highest revenue growth in the industry, posing a 78% revenue growth.  This number is definitely crazy since revenue growth of the industry’s major players is only at 6% average.  However, with AWS just stared on 2006 its hard to make a solid comparison with the major players in the industry who have been in business for such a long time.

The results of the chart projects AWS to be a big income generator and as estimated by AWS it should be around $38 Billion by 2010.  MKM Partners wrote in a note. “AWS is by far the fastest growing large-scale supplier of technology to enterprises today.”  Now that puts Amazon and AWS as a company that everyone should be looking out for, more info hit the link

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