A beautiful picture of what it looks like when hard work pays off 🙂 CEO of Asana got funded by Google and is also showing the world you can treat and pay your employees well. Bravo sir. Well done!
I love seeing people work hard and grow the right way and get rewarded for it. I firmly believe there is more then enough for everyone as long as you are adding value. Asana has been adding value / helping manage my bad ADD / entrepreneur lifestyle. They are great to work with, are constantly striving to improve and there is no doubt in my mind they will probably be acquired by Google or another VC in the next 2-4 years.
If you have not tried it out I highly recommend it. It is based off of a great book Getting Things Done, and simplifies what you really need to get done now and organizes the rest to come up when you need to do it. Not for everyone but works for me. Zach