Amazon Predicted to Dominate 2016

Amazon will continue to be the E-commerce leader for 2016; a recent poll and several leaders have predicted that the company will make 2016 another successful year.  Let’s run down on what they have to say about Amazon for 2016.

In a recent poll of RetailWire BrainTrust panelists, Amazon emerged as the retailer most likely to find success in 2016.  The research shows that one out of every three online product searches now begins at, and that the website accounts for about half of all online sales.

Lee Peterson, EVP brand, strategy & design, WD Partners, believes the onslaught of online shopping seen over Black Friday weekend will prove to be another tipping point and Amazon ranks as the clear leader.

Dick Seesel, principal, Retailing In Focus LLC, however, said Amazon not only benefits from scale, “but also because they continue to push the boundaries of category dominance and great execution.”

“Amazon has the resources to constantly push the envelope,” added Arie Shpanya, founder & executive chairman, Wiser, “including its latest drone ideas and successful debut of Prime Day. Despite some bad press on working conditions in 2015, I think Amazon has a lot to look forward to in 2016.”

Based on Amazon’s performance from 2015 there are definitely no signs of stopping the company from conquering new heights.  Its business has seen growth in all aspects from retail to cloud computing services.  However, it will be a nice year to watch out for since the other competitors have also put up a game plan for sure.

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